Do I Really Need to Test My Homes?
 A performance trainer shares answers to the most common questions he gets in his blower door seminars. by Sam Myers Blower doors have been around since the 1980s, but for a long time were used mostly by niche builders. However, with more and more codes and high-performance home programs requiring air leakage testing, this tool has entered the mainstream. That change has fueled a demand for training.
As a training consultant for a blower door manufacturer, I train and certify builders and other industry pros on the equipment and test methods. After completing around 60 of these trainings, ranging from one-to-ones to classroom-size groups, I've noticed that the same questions come up again and again. I thought it would be useful to offer answers to the top half-dozen questions I hear from my students. Here they are.
All Construction Services can help Builders and Homeowners achieve the energy savings required by code and can also design a program that will exceed the code resulting in a higher HERS (Home Energy Rating System) score for your new home. This will not only provide attractive energy savings, but also give your home a higher resale value in the future.

For more information on the Zero Energy Ready Home U.S. Department of Energy Partner Program, click on the logo below.


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