All Construction Services

Energy Code Testing Reqmts




JANUARY 3, 2014 – REPORT #1




The Board of Building Standards would like to remind all interested parties of an upcoming significant enforcement effective date applicable to projects where the applicant has elected to demonstrate residential energy code compliance using the Ohio Home Builder’s Association (OHBA) Alternative Energy Code Option.


For plans first submitted for approval on or after January 1, 2014, if using the OHBA option for demonstrating compliance, the blower door testing will be mandatory (no longer optional).  This change is high-lighted in Table 1 below and clearly stated in the last sentence of RCO Section 1105.


For plans first submitted for approval on or after January 1, 2014, if any ducts or air handlers are located outside of the conditioned space, then the duct tightness test will be required regardless of which method of demonstrating compliance is chosen.  This change is high-lighted in Table 2 below and clearly stated in the last sentence of RCO Section 1105.3.2.2. 


The one year delay in implementation of these testing requirements was intended to allow more time for contractors to become trained and familiar with the testing procedures.  


Table 1. - Blower Door Testing

Compliance path chosen

(RCO 1101.2)

Blower Door Testing Required?

Code reference

2009 IECC


(Either conduct blower door test or perform visual inspection)

2009 IECC Section 402.4.2




RCO Sections 1101-1104


(Either conduct blower door test or perform visual inspection)

2013 RCO Section 1102.4.2




RCO Section 1105

(OHBA Option)

Optional before 01-01-2014

2013 RCO Section 1105.

Mandatory on/after 01-01-2014


Table 2. - Duct Tightness Testing

Compliance path chosen

(RCO 1101.2)

Duct Tightness Testing Required?

Code reference

2009 IECC

No, provided all ductwork and the air handler are located within conditioned space.


2009 IECC Section 403.2.2

Mandatory, if any ductwork or the air handler is located outside the conditioned space.




RCO Sections 1101-1104

No, provided all ductwork and the air handler are located within conditioned space.


2013 RCO Section 1103.2.2

Mandatory, if any ductwork or the air handler is located outside the conditioned space.




RCO Section 1105

(OHBA Option)

No before 01-01-2014

2013 RCO Section 1105.3.2.2

No, on/after 01-01-2014, provided all ductwork and the air handler are located within conditioned space.

Mandatory, on/after 01-01-2014, if any ductwork or the air handler is located outside the conditioned space.



Please contact OHBA with any questions.

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    2014 OHBA leg rev 1 2014 OHBA leg rev 1

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